They have three important features:
1. A tough exoskeleton:
- made of chitin
- can be leathery and flexible (ie:insects) or hard (ie:crabs)
- provides protection, structure and prevents desecation
- many are waterproof
- cannot grow as the animal grows
- allows movement only at joints
2. A series of jointed appendages:
- primitive arthropods (ie:trilobites)= each segment has 1 pair
- as body segments are lost, so are appendages
- modify into antennae, claws, wing, flippers, etc.
3. A segmented body:
- some have many (ie: millipede)
- due to evolution, some have little (ie:crabs)
Arthropods are divided into 4 subphylums:

- the oldest of arthropods
- lived in the sea
- extinct =(
3 scorpions
- lack sensory "feelers"
- body divided into:
1. cephalothroax (anterior end)
--------->contains brain, eyes, mouth, mouthparts, and esophagus
2. abdomen (posterior end)
--------->contains most internal organs - has 2 pairs of appendages by mouth as mouthparts:
--->1st pair called chelicerae
--->2nd pair called pedipalps - ie: spiders, ticks, scorpions

A shrimp
- have stony exoskeleton usually made of calcium carbonate (limestone)
- 1st two pairs of appendages = antennae ("feelers")
--->contains sensory hairs
--->used as sense organs or filter feeding
--->water fleas use them for movement (to push through water) - 3rd pair of appendages = mandibles (mouthparts)
--->many are short and heavy: used for biting and grinding food
--->some are bristly: used for filter feeding, finding food, picking up ditrius
--->some are needle-like: suck blood from host - body parts are:
--->head, thorax, and abdomen
--->cephalothorax (fusion of head and thorax); covered by tough shell called carapace - ie: Crabs, shrimp, barnacles
- largest subpylum of arthropods
- have 1 pair of antennae and appendages
- ie: centipedes, millipedes, and insects
- Centipedes
--->carnivores (eat earthworms, toads, mice, etc.)
--->have a pair of poison claws on head
--->North American can be 3-6 cm long; Tropical can be up to 26 cm long
--->have 15-170 pairs of legs
--->1 pair of leg per segment except last 3 segments (which has no legs) - Millipedes
--->2 pairs of legs per segment
--->live in damp places such as decaying logs
--->eat dead/decaying plant material
--->for protection, they roll into a ball
--->some can give off a disgusting odour - Insects
--->have 3 body parts: head, thorax, and abdomen
--->3 pairs of legs attached to thorax
--->has 1 pair of antennae
--->has 1 pair of compound eyes
--->2 pairs of wings found on thorax
--->uses tracheal tubes for respiration
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